Thursday, August 21, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today is my birthday.. 21 years old! I don't think I've ever had a birthday quite like this one already, and it's only 10:00 in the morning. :-)

It's just been really quiet around here this morning. I've had a lot of time to think and reflect on my life so far. I know this seems cheesy and probably cliche, but I am so very thankful and happy to be here- meaning on this earth, living this life. I've been thinking about who brought me here.. My amazing Dad and my Angel Mother, who unfortunately can't physically be here with me to celebrate. And that's ok.. I am just thankful that my life has stemmed from two such incredible people. 

I've also been thinking about my sweet husband, who creates a life within my heart that is indescribable. Cheesy..... YES! Sincere? Absolutely. Scotty- Thank you for allowing me to be yours! 

Anyhow, I'm sorry if this post is too sappy for all of your liking(s)... :-) but I mean it. I am thankful to be here, celebrating my 21st birthday. 

Love to all of you!



Ashley Eliza said...

happy bIRTHDAY hon! hope you have a great one!

The Egan Family said...

Happy Birthday Dana!!!

Sarah Plauché said...

Hey Dana! I stumbled across your blog and thought I'd say hi! I hope things are going well and your enjoying the married life! :) Oh and happy late birthday!

The Hansens said...


Love ya,