Tuesday, September 1, 2009

September?? What the....

I am in absolute denial that it's September already. This year has flown past me so fast, I can't believe it! I just need to get with the program, I guess. Just take it as it comes- fast, as it is. :-)

Things are going great here in the Sorensen household... We have both started a new semester of school this past week. Scott is an Economics major (Business minor) at BYU, and we are so extremely happy that he will be graduating in the Spring!! We are so excited for what direction life will take us once he's graduated. We hope to get him a job somewhere on the East coast and live on the "wild side" for a while. ;-) (Out of our comfort zones)

I am at UVU studying Behavioral Science... and once this semester is over and I pass all of my classes (fingers crossed, hehe) I'll graduate with an Associates Degree. It's no bachelors, but at least it's somethin'! The plan is to graduate with an Associates, then work to put Scotty through school. Once he's done, I'll go back. What's nice about that is that no matter where I transfer to, they'll honor my degree and I can just get crackin' on my major classes and not have to worry about transferring individual credits- not having to worry about taking classes I've already completed and paid for in order to satisfy another University's requirements. So! That's our plan for the next year or so. 

Until I blog again.... Adios, amigos!


M said...

yay! i'm excited for you guys...although, i'm not thrilled about you guys moving back east :( but good job the both of you for finishing school up soon! yay!!!!

J & J said...

good for you guys! jake just graduated in august and it is QUITE the relief. we're so excited to hang out when we get back.

i'm having a hard time seeing some of your text for some reason! love you anyway!

Shalon said...

East Coast = Eastern "coast" of the Red River in North Dakota, right? Oh good. Just making sure. ;)

Love you guys!

M said...

okay, so it's now OCTOBER! You need to do some blogging girl!